Manor Hill IPA (American IPA, 6.8%)
Crooked Beak IPA (New England IPA, 7.7%)
Farm Fuzz (Witbier, 4.9%)
Mild Manor’d Amber (American Amber, 5.3%)
Pilsner (German Pilsner, 5.3%)
Farmhouse Ale (Gin Barrel Aged Saison with Botanicals, 10%)
Raspberry Bliss (Tart Farmhouse Ale, 8%)
All’s Well (Weller Bourbon Aged Saison, 9%)
Passed Apps from 5:30pm to 7pm
Beer Club is a points-based, reward system, which works at both Victoria Gastro Pub & Manor Hill Tavern! Simply put, for every $10 spent on any Beer, you will receive 1 point!
Earn 10 points, and receive $10 on your membership card to be redeemed anytime and towards all beer.
What do you need to do to join?
Simply pay the initial dues of $15, receive your loyalty card, and begin enjoying great beer!
What do I get for the $15?
A beer club membership allows you to take advantage of benefits at both Victoria Gastro Pub & Manor Hill Tavern. You start a new membership with 25 FREE points. Half price on ALL beer ALL DAY Monday at Victoria Gastro Pub (dine-in only), Half price on ALL beer ALL DAY Tuesday at Manor Hill Tavern (dine-in only), entry to an annual trip giveaway, and a whole lot of fun!
Visit our Untappd for current draft list!